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After several years dedicated to working on and developing projects in rural and suburban communities, it became evident to us that we had the potential to make a significantly greater impact on vulnerable populations facing harsh environmental conditions and poverty.

Through extensive research and meticulous problem analysis, we arrived at the decision to establish Sustentabilidad y Adaptación Participativa Asociación Civil (S.A.P. A.C.) in Mexico. Subsequently, SADAP International Inc. was established as a sister organization in the United States, with a shared focus on fulfilling our objectives in social development, charity, and environmental conservation. This collaborative effort allowed us to design and implement tailored programs that cater to the needs of communities in both countries, enabling us to serve them more effectively and holistically.


We Identify & Support Communities

We engage in thorough research and comprehensive assessments to identify the specific needs of the community and vulnerable populations. Subsequently, we dedicate ourselves to devising effective strategies and approaches to address these challenges head-on.

We Build Networks

Our core purpose is to facilitate connections between individuals and organizations committed to effecting positive changes and fostering opportunities. By collaborating as a unified team, we endeavor to elevate the quality of life for various segments of society.

We Educate​

Our mission revolves around fostering education and cultivating specialized programs that center on arts, cultural enrichment, and skill development for marginalized and vulnerable communities.